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Email Services
When it comes to business, we always recommend using an email address at your domain (such as michelle@reallygreatdesign.com or info@reallygreatdesign.com) for your business communications. It's easier for clients and associates to remember, and it enhances your credibility.

In general terms, "Real" email accounts are typically used when you want the sender or recipient to communicate directly with a specific individual. Aliases are useful when you want the sender's message to be routed to one or more recipients, or even a whole department, without requiring the sender to know each recipient's "real" email address.

While the following information may sound confusing, suffice it to say that we can give you business email services that fit your needs.

One way to get email at your domain is to create an email forwarder that, like call forwarding, automatically delivers messages to whatever Inbox you're currently using.
For Example:
Bob, the hypothetical owner of Buy From Bob, LLC is signed up with Earthlink for his internet and email access. He uses buyfrombobsmith@earthlink.net to send and receive mail. When Bob hires Holmquist Design to create his new website, we also set up Info@BuyFromBob.com and have it forward right into Bob's Earthlink email account. The change is instantaneous, and he doesn't have to change anything about the way he checks his email.
The downside of using a forwarder is that when replying to a message, your "real" address will be displayed to the recipient unless some changes are made to the configuration of your email client.

The upside is that you can have hundreds of addresses if you want, and you'll only ever have to check one Inbox.

In addition, forwarders are often used for general addresses such as info@, sales@, or support@. Messages sent to these generic addresses are automatically redirected to the appropriate individual(s), without exposing those individuals' addresses to the general public. Plus, even if your staff changes fairly regularly, your business contacts will always have a valid email address which connects them to the right person or people.

"Real" Accounts
The other kind of email addresses we can set up are often referred to as "real" mailboxes or "real" accounts. "Real" email accounts are simply a place on your website's server where email messages sent to you are held until you retrieve them. When you connect to the Internet (dial-up, cable, DSL, etc.) and open your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Eudora, etc.), your computer logs into your email account on your server and downloads your messages. This is the most common form of email address and usually what people refer to when they talk about email addresses.

The downside of creating real email accounts is the small task of adding the new email account to your email client's configuration, so that it checks the new account in addition to the account(s) you already use.

The upside of using a "real" email account is significant.

First, with a "real" account, you can either use one of our user-friendly webmail programs to send and receive messages from any computer you want, or we can configure your current email program to also send and receive messages from this new business email address.

In addition, sending mail from your new "real" account ensures that associates, clients, and other business contacts will never have access to your other account - which can help you separate your personal and business communications.

You can also set up auto-responders on a "real" account, to let people know when you will and won't be in the office. Plus, a real account can easily be combined with forwarder of the same address for the ultimate in usability.
"Real" Account Forwarder
Can receive mail X X
Can send mail X
Can be forwarded to one or more other email addresses X X
Stores messages on your website's server X
Access your email from virtually any computer with internet access X
Can have an auto-responder X X
Allows you to have multiple email addresses without having to check multiple email accounts. X
Does not require changes to your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Eudora, etc.) X

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